Privacy Policy

Effective Date: April 3, 2024


This Privacy Policy outlines the privacy practices NEURAL CRAFT LIMITED ("Neural Craft", "we", "us", or "our") adheres to in connection with your use of WorldKey VPN services and our website (collectively referred to as the "Services"), regardless of the type of device used to access them. As a user of our Services, it's important to understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Data Controller

The data controller responsible for your personal information under this Privacy Policy is NEURAL CRAFT LIMITED, with the following contact details: Address: 237 Wards Road, Rolleston 7677, New Zealand Email:

Acceptance of Privacy Policy

By accessing, installing, or using our Services, you affirm that you have read and consent to this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of this policy, please refrain from using our Services.

Product-specific Privacy Notices

Different WorldKey VPN products might process personal data in various ways, with additional terms outlined in the following notices:

These supplemental notices, along with any relevant contractual terms, may provide further details on how we handle your personal data.

Personal Data Processing

Neural Craft limits the processing of personal data to what is necessary for providing the Services, processing payments, and operating our website and applications. We may process the following types of personal data:

We process your personal data for the following reasons:

Sharing Personal Data

We only disclose your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy to:

Your Choices and Rights

You have rights concerning your personal data, which include but are not limited to:

Data Security

Neural Craft employs layered defense measures including physical, technical, and organizational strategies to safeguard your personal data against unauthorized access or unlawful processing. Please report any security concerns immediately.

Data Retention and Deletion

We retain personal data only as necessary to offer our Services and as mandated by law. Post-termination of our Services to you, we cease processing of your data unless required otherwise by law or for archival purposes.

Country-Specific Provisions

Please inquire at for provisions specific to users in the EEA, California, or other jurisdictions with specific data protection laws.

Contact Us

For any questions or if you wish to exercise your privacy rights, you can reach us at 237 Wards Road, Rolleston, 7677, New Zealand or Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Children’s Data

Neural Craft does not knowingly collect personal data from individuals under the age of 18. If you are a child under 18, please do not provide us with any personal information. We will take steps to promptly delete such information if we become aware of it.

Other Provisions

Please be aware that usage of our Services and Website implies acceptance of our Liability Limitations. Refer to our General Terms for comprehensive details.

Updates to the Privacy Policy may occur, and we will inform you of substantial changes and provide the updated policy with an indication of the revision date. Continued use of the Services represents your acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.